Livity Rising is a healing arts, community service organization committed to making Holistic Wellness Services accessible, equitable, and inclusive.
Livity is the life force that exists within and flows through all living things. Livity is a Rastafari concept meaning “lifestyle” or way of life. In the context of Livity Rising, it’s being open, connected, and creative with your life; the quest to live with reverent ingenuity and reciprocal blessings. A positive livity signifies living in harmony with Self, Community and Nature in ways that support the health and wellbeing of the Earth and all life.
The impact of Reggae music and Rastafari have been an integral part of the lives of many of our team members. The sweet rhythms and powerful lyrics of Reggae music have uplifted, soothed and deeply inspired us. Reggae, which has deep roots in Rastafari spiritual beliefs and practices, spreads the message of “One Love,” unity and the need for human kind to dismantle oppressive systems across the globe. “The message is in the music.” Ras Timote Peterson (LR Advisory Board member)
Free Community Wellness Events
CZU Fire Support
Check out our comprehensive offering of FREE wellness resources.
Our Response
to Systemic Racism:

Dear Community,
Our Livity Rising family feels deep grief over the many Black (and Brown) lives lost due to racial injustice. We stand in solidarity with the groundswell of action against racism and believe it is our duty to demand and work for systemic change to end the epidemic of racism and blatant inequality.
We strive to be part of the solution. We pledge to seek, learn, listen, and to rise up against systems of racism and injustice wherever we can. We must root out the deep unconscious racial bias and white supremacy that permeates our culture. We will support policies that help to eliminate racial inequality, speak up for and continue to be of service to those persecuted based on the color of their skin.
We acknowledge there is a lot of work to be done. We are inspired by the voices of change, and we join them in the hope of seeing racism totally eradicated. This time of crucial uprising deepens our commitment to our mission of making Holistic Wellness Services equitable and accessible to all members of the communities we serve.

COVID-19 Response:
Dear Community,
We are here and we care! Our team is available by phone, email, and video. Some in-person services are also available. Our pracititioners strictly adhere to Covid-safe protocols. Additionally we are hosting a series of free Community Wellness Workshops & Classes and we have created comprehensive virtual Holistic Wellness Resources which include Self-Care support videos a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Wellness booklet (en Espanol), and many other self-care tools.
Carrying out our mission to foster well-being, healing, and connection remains crucial as we strive to support and uplift one another through this uncharted territory. In these uncertain times, together we’re better.
Be well, friends,
Livity Rising

Self-Care Videos
For more self-care videos, please visit our YouTube channel.
Feeling Stressed?
Relax and find relief with our Holistic Wellness Resources.

Recent Events
Can’t Stop the Music, an online festival by California Roots, happened Memorial Day weekend, offering 3 days of Music, Holistic Wellness, Art & Community. Livity Rising provided Wellness Sessions in the form of Self-Care tutorials.

Backstage Wellness Services
Free Community Healing Clinics

Pay It Forward!
Monetary gifts and donations are greatly appreciated and support the plethora of free wellness services we provide to those in need.