Backstage Wellness Services
We offer Backstage Wellness Services to artists and production crew at festivals, venues and in private offices.
Examples of modalities we offer include: Therapeutic Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Orthopedic Manual Massage, Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cupping), Astrology, Tarot, Thai massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Sound Healing, Herbalism, and more…
Depending on needs and preferences, we can provide:
– Chair massage at the venue/s (small and simple)
– More restful sessions with massage tables (1-3) at the venue, offering the modalities of your choice.
– Scheduling more luxurious, private sessions in our practitioners treatment rooms, located close to the venue.
Livity Rising Backstage Wellness Services:
Clients, Events, and Partners
Pay It Forward!
Monetary gifts and donations are greatly appreciated and support the plethora of free wellness services we provide to those in need.